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Parkinson’s Treatment at Spaulding Cape Cod (SCC)

Parkinson's disease is a very individualized health condition. No two people will be affected in the same way. This is why developing a standardized treatment plan is so difficult. Treatment will depend on several factors. At Spaulding Rehabilitation Physical Therapy in Cape Cod, we look at the severity of a person's symptoms as well as how quickly their condition is progressing. Many people will do very well with medications and specific lifestyle modifications. Others, who are experiencing more severe symptoms much quicker may require surgical therapy. Our Parkinson's disease therapy programs in Cape Cod are customized to meet each patient's individual needs.

What Parkinson's Symptoms Will Spaulding Rehabilitation Address at Our Cape Cod Location?

Spaulding Rehabilitation Physical Therapy in Cape Cod can address the many different symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease therapy involves treating each symptom based on its severity and the rate at which it is progressing. We can help you identify subtle changes that become noticeable in how you speak, your writing, or your basic fine motor skills. We can also address the tremors you may experience. While it is much easier to control them when they are minor, there are advanced treatment methods that may be beneficial in more progressive cases. Our goal is to keep you as active and mobile as possible for as long as we can, improving your quality of life and allowing you to enjoy time with family and friends.

What to Expect at Our Parkinson’s Treatment Program in Cape Cod, MA

When you visit Spaulding Rehabilitation Physical Therapy in Cape Cod, you will have access to the most advanced treatment options and support available for Parkinson's disease. Dealing with the uncertainty of a progressive condition like Parkinson's can be a frightening experience. We are here to offer you viable solutions to much of what you are experiencing. With our individualized treatment plan, we give you the ability to play an active role in your own healthcare journey. Every patient is unique. At Spaulding Rehabilitation our Parkinson's physical therapy treatment programs take into account every aspect of your health and healing. We also encourage positive lifestyle changes to support the physical therapy programs we offer.

Spaulding's Approach to Parkinson’s Disease

Whether you are in the early or advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease, our experts in neuro-rehabilitation will help you get the most out of each day. We will create a treatment plan specific to your needs with careful attention to the effectiveness of medications. You will learn strategies and techniques to deal with the multiple effects of PD (from tremors and gait disturbance to depression and lack of energy), that you can apply in your daily activities.

Our multiple levels of care throughout Spaulding Rehabilitation can meet your needs at every stage of the disease.

Inpatient Parkinson's Program

Spaulding’s Inpatient Parkinson’s Program components may include:

  • Comprehensive management of the person’s medical, functional, and behavioral needs with a focus on promoting independence and safety
  • Medical consultation with neurologist or rehabilitation physician
  • 24-hour nursing care with a focus on medication management
  • Physical, occupational, and speech therapies as needed
  • Education for patient and family
  • Nutrition counseling and support
  • Advanced rehabilitation technologies, including assistive technologies, body-weight support systems, and electrical stimulation devices
  • Speech therapies including the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT)
    Therapeutic recreation
  • Education in fall prevention

Spaulding is conducting research to advance function and quality of life for persons living with Parkinson’s disease. Spaulding physicians and other clinicians are pursuing three research studies and clinical trials focused on monitoring motor fluctuations with a wearable sensor system and predicting upper limb rigidity by analyzing speech patterns.

Parkinson's Program

Motion Analysis Lab

The Motion Analysis Lab (MAL) at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital brings state-of the art technology and internationally-recognized expertise to the study and treatment of mobility-limiting conditions, including cerebral palsy, stroke, traumatic brain injury,spinal cord injury and Parkinson’s Disease.