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Brown AW, Pretz CR, Bell KR, Hammond FM, Arciniegas DB, Bodien YG, Dams-O’Connor K, Giacino JT, Hart T, Johnson-Greene D, Kowalski RG, Walker WC, Weintraub A, Zafonte R. Predictive utility of an adapted Marshall head CT classification scheme after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2019.1566970. Epub 2019 Jan 19. PubMed
Iazeva EG, Legostaeva LA, Zimin AA, Sergeev DV, Domashenko MA, Samorukov VY, Yusupova DG, Ryabinkina JV, Suponeva NA, Piradov MA, Bodien YG, Giacino JT. A Russian validation study of the Coma Recovery Scale- Revised (CRS-R). Brain Inj. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1539248. Epub 2018 Nov 2. PubMed
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Giacino JT, Katz DI, Schiff ND, Whyte J, Ashman E, Ashwal S, Barbano RL, Hammond F, Laureys S, Ling GSF, Nakase-Richardson R, Seel RT, Yablon SA, Getchius TG, Gronseth G, Armstrong MJ. Practice guideline recommendations summary: Disorders of consciousness, Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology; the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine; and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research. Published online on August 8, 2018 in Neurology DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000005926 and in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2018.07.001. PubMed
Giacino JT, Katz DI, Schiff ND, Whyte J, Ashman E, Ashwal S, Barbano RL, Hammond F, Laureys S, Ling GSF, Nakase-Richardson R, Seel RT, Yablon SA, Getchius TG, Gronseth G, Armstrong MJ. Comprehensive systematic review update summary: Disorders of consciousness Report of the Guideline Development, Dissemination, and Implementation Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology; the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine; and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research. Published online on August 8, 2018 in Neurology DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000005928 and in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2018.07.002. PubMed
Bodien Y, McCrea M, Dikmen S, Temkin N, Boase K, Machamer J, Taylor S, Sherer M, Levin H, Kramer J, Corrigan JD, McAllister TW, Whyte J, Manley GT, Giacino, JT, and the TRACK-TBI Investigators. Optimizing the validity of outcome assessment in multicenter TBI trials: Perspectives from TRACK TBI and the TBI Endpoints Development Initiative. J Head Trauma Rehabil, 2018 Jan 30. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed
Hammond FM, Giacino JT, Nakase Richardson R, Sherer M, Zafonte RD, Whyte J, Arciniegas DB, Tang X. Disorders of Consciousness due to traumatic brain injury: Functional status ten years post-injury. Journal of Neurotrauma; Accepted Sept 3, 2018. PMCID pending. PubMed
Threlkeld ZD, Bodien YG, Rosenthal ES, Giacino JT, Nieto-Castanon A, Wu O, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Edlow BL. Functional networks reemerge during recovery of consciousness after acute severe traumatic brain injury. Cortex 2018 Sep;106:299-308. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2018.05.004. Epub 2018 May 12. ScienceDirect
Chatelle C, Hauger S, Martial C, Becker F, Eifert B, Boering D, Giacino JT, Laureys S, Lovstad M, Maurer-Karattup P. Assessment of nociception and pain in patients in an unresponsive or minimally conscious state after acquired brain injury: the relationship between the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised and the Nociception Coma Scale-Revised. Arch of Phys Med Rehabil; 2018 Sep;99(9):1755-1762. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2018.03.009. Epub 2018 Apr 10. PubMed
Dams-O’Connor K, Sy KT, Landau A, Bodien Y, Dikmen S, Felix ER, Giacino JT, Gibbons L, Hammond FM, Hart T, Johnson-Greene D, Lengenfelder J, Lequerica A, Newman J, Novack T, O’Neil-Pirozzi TM, Whiteneck G. The feasibility of telephone-administered cognitive testing in individuals 1 and 2 years after inpatient rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2018;35(10):1138-1145; Published Online:15 May 2018, https://doi.org/10.1089/neu.2017.5347. PubMed
Erler, KS, Juengst, SB, Whiteneck, GG, Locascio, JJ, Bogner, JA, Kaminski, J, & Giacino, JT. The association of rehospitalization with participation 5 years after traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2018 Mar 29. doi: 10.1097/HTR.0000000000000386. [Epub ahead of print] Pubmed
Erler, K.S., Bogner, J.A., Juengst, S.B., Kaminski, J., O’Neill-Pirozzi T, Smith D, Novack T, Whiteneck, G.G., Giacino, JT. Examining driving and participation 5 years after traumatic brain injury. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. 2018 Jul;38(3):143-150. doi: 10.1177/1539449218757739. Epub 2018 Feb 19. PubMed
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Bodien YB, Giacino JT, Edlow BL. Functional MRI motor imagery tasks to detect command following in traumatic disorders of consciousness. Frontiers in Neurology 2017. Dec 18;8:688. eCollection 2017. PubMed
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Cochrane T, Truog R, Giacino JT. Life support, suicide, and euthanasia in disorders of consciousness. AJOB Neurosci 2016;7(1):1-2.
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Fisher L, Pedrelli P, Iverson I, Berquist T, Bombardier C, Hammond F, Hart T, Ketchum J, Giacino J, Zafonte R. Prevalence of Suicidal Behavior Following Traumatic Brain Injury: 20 Year Follow-Up Data from the NIDRR Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems. Brain Injury 2016;30(11):1311-1318. PubMed
Chatelle C, Bodien Y, Carlowicz C, Wannez S, Charland-Verville V, Gosseries O, Laureys S, Seel R, Giacino J. Detection and interpretation of impossible and improbable Coma Recovery Scale-Revised scores. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2016;97(8):1295-1300. PubMed
Bodien Y, Carlowicz C, Chatelle C, Giacino J. Sensitivity and Specificity of the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised Total Score in Detection of Conscious Awareness. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2016;97(3):490-492. PubMed
Rosenbaum AM, Giacino JT. Clinical Management of the Minimally Conscious State. In: Salazar A and Grafman J (Eds.). Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 3rd Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2015. p. 395-410. PubMed
McDonnell E, Giacino JT, Kolakowsky-Hayner S. A brief overview of the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised- Update from the COMBI. J Head Trauma Rehabil 2015; 30(2):143–145. PubMed
Wu X, Zou Q, Hu J, Tang W, Mao Y, Gao L, Zhu J, Jin Y, Wu X, Lu L, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zheng-Dai Z, Gao J, Weng X, Zhou L, Northoff G, Giacino J, He Y, and Yang Y. Intrinsic Functional Connectivity Patterns Predict Consciousness Level and Recovery Outcome in Acquired Brain Injury. J Neuroscience 2015;35(37):12932- PubMed
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Smart C, Giacino JT. Exploring caregivers' knowledge of and receptivity toward novel diagnostic tests and treatments for persons with post-traumatic disorders of consciousness. Neurorehabilitation 2015;37(1):117–130. PubMed
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Schnakers C, Giacino J, Lovstad M, Habbal D, Boly M, Di H, Majerus S, Laureys S. Preserved covert cognition in non-communicative patients with severe brain injury. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2015;29(4):308-317. PubMed
Estraneo A, Moretta P, DeTanti A, Gatta G, Giacino J, Trojano L. An Italian multicenter validation study of the Coma Recovery Scale – Revised. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2015;51(5):627-634. PubMed
Gerrard P, Zafonte R, Giacino J. The Coma Recovery Scale-Revised: Evidentiary Support for Hierarchical Grading of Level of Consciousness. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2014;95(12):2335-2341. PubMed
Giacino JT, Carter C, Charney C, Ambrosi, Doiron M, Herman S, Young T. A Systematic and Evidence-Based Approach to Clinical Management of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness. In: Barr B (ed) Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Traumatic Brain Injury. New York: Springer, 2014. p. 139-156.
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Guller Y, Giacino J. Potential applications of concurrent transcranial magnetic stimulation and functional magnetic resonance imaging in acquired brain injury and disorders of consciousness. Brain Injury 2014;29(9):1190-1196. PubMed
Cunningham C, Chen W, Shorten A, McClurkin M, Choezom T, Schmidt CP, Chu V, Bozik A, Best C, Chapman M, Furman M, Detyniecki K, Joseph T. Giacino JT, Blumenfeld H. Impaired consciousness in partial seizures is bimodally distributed. Neurology 2014;82(19):1736-1744. PubMed
Lovstad M, Andelic N, Knoph R, Jerstad T, Anke A, Skandsen T, Hauger SL, Giacino J, Roe C, Schanke A,K. Rate of disorders of consciousness in a prospective population-based study of adults with traumatic brain injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil 2014;29(5):E31-43. PubMed
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Giacino JT, Katz DI, Whyte J. Neurorehabilitation in Disorders of Consciousness. Semin Neurol 2013; 33(2): 142-156. PubMed
Edlow BL, Giacino JT (co-first author), Hirschberg RE, Gerrard J, Kinney HC, Wu O, Hochberg LR. Unexpected Recovery of Function after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: The Limits of Early Neuroimaging-Based Outcome Prediction. Neurocrit Care 2013;19(3):364-375. PubMed
Hicks R, Giacino JT, Harrison-Felix C, Manley G, Valadka A, Wilde EA. Progress in developing common Data Elements for Traumatic Brain Injury Research: Version 2 – The End of the Beginning. J Neurotrauma 2013;30(22):1852-1861. PubMed
Edlow BL, Giacino JT, Wu O. Functional MRI and outcome in traumatic Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2013;13(9):375. PubMed
Whyte J, Nordenbo A, Kalmar K, Merges B, Bagiella E, Chang H, Yablon S, Cho S, Hammond F, Khademi A, Giacino JT. Medical Complications During Inpatient Rehabilitation Among Patients with Traumatic Disorders of Consciousness. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2013;94(10):1877-1883. PubMed
Nakase-Richardson R, Tran J, M.D., Cifu D, Barnett SD, Horn LH, Greenwald BD, Brunner R, Whyte J, Hammond FM, Yablon SA, Giacino JT. Do rehospitalization rates differ among injury severity levels in the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Program? Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2013;94(10):1884-1890. PubMed
Whyte JW, Nakase-Richardson R, Hammond FM, McNamee S, Giacino JT, Kalmar K, Greenwald B, Yablon SA, Horn LJ. Functional outcomes in traumatic disorders of consciousness: 5-year outcomes from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2013;94(10):1855-1860. PubMed
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Giacino J, Fins JJ, Machado A, Schiff ND. Central thalamic deep brain stimulation to promote recovery from chronic posttraumatic minimally conscious state: challenges and opportunities. Neuromodulation. 2012 Jul; 15(4):339-49. PMID: 22624587. PubMed
Malec JF, Hammond FM, Giacino JT, Whyte J, Wright J. Structured interview to improve the reliability and psychometric integrity of the Disability Rating Scale. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Sep; 93(9):1603-8. PMID: 22510680. PubMed
Giacino JT, Whyte J, Bagiella E, Kalmar K, Childs N, Khademi A, Eifert B, Long D, Katz DI, Cho S, Yablon SA, Luther M, Hammond FM, Nordenbo A, Novak P, Mercer W, Maurer-Karattup P, Sherer M. Placebo-controlled trial of amantadine for severe traumatic brain injury. N Engl J Med. 2012 Mar 01; 366(9):819-26. PMID: 22375973. PubMed
Hirschberg R, Giacino JT. The vegetative and minimally conscious states: diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. Neurol Clin. 2011 Nov; 29(4):773-86. PMID: 22032660. PubMed
Nakase-Richardson R, Whyte J, Giacino JT, Pavawalla S, Barnett SD, Yablon SA, Sherer M, Kalmar K, Hammond FM, Greenwald B, Horn LJ, Seel R, McCarthy M, Tran J, Walker WC. Longitudinal outcome of patients with disordered consciousness in the NIDRR TBI Model Systems Programs. J Neurotrauma. 2012 Jan 01; 29(1):59-65. PMID: 21663544. PubMed
Seel RT, Sherer M, Whyte J, Katz DI, Giacino JT, Rosenbaum AM, Hammond FM, Kalmar K, Pape TL, Zafonte R, Biester RC, Kaelin D, Kean J, Zasler N. Assessment scales for disorders of consciousness: evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice and research. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Dec; 91(12):1795-813. PMID: 21112421. PubMed
Wilde EA, Whiteneck GG, Bogner J, Bushnik T, Cifu DX, Dikmen S, French L, Giacino JT, Hart T, Malec JF, Millis SR, Novack TA, Sherer M, Tulsky DS, Vanderploeg RD, von Steinbuechel N. Recommendations for the use of common outcome measures in traumatic brain injury research. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Nov; 91(11):1650-1660.e17. PMID: 21044708. PubMed
Rodriguez Moreno D, Schiff ND, Giacino J, Kalmar K, Hirsch J. A network approach to assessing cognition in disorders of consciousness. Neurology. 2010 Nov 23; 75(21):1871-8. PMID: 20980667; PMCID: PMC2995384. PubMed
Løvstad M, Frøslie KF, Giacino JT, Skandsen T, Anke A, Schanke AK. Reliability and diagnostic characteristics of the JFK coma recovery scale-revised: exploring the influence of rater’s level of experience. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2010 Sep-Oct; 25(5):349-56. PMID: 20142758. PubMed
Schnakers C, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Giacino J, Ventura M, Boly M, Majerus S, Moonen G, Laureys S. Diagnostic accuracy of the vegetative and minimally conscious state: clinical consensus versus standardized neurobehavioral assessment. BMC Neurol. 2009 Jul 21; 9:35. PMID: 19622138; PMCID: PMC2718857. PubMed
Schiff ND, Giacino JT, Fins JJ. Deep brain stimulation, neuroethics, and the minimally conscious state: moving beyond proof of principle. Arch Neurol. 2009 Jun; 66(6):697-702. PMID: 19506129. PubMed
Whyte J, Gosseries O, Chervoneva I, DiPasquale MC, Giacino J, Kalmar K, Katz DI, Novak P, Long D, Childs N, Mercer W, Maurer P, Eifert B. Predictors of short-term outcome in brain-injured patients with disorders of consciousness. Prog Brain Res. 2009; 177:63-72. PMID: 19818895. PubMed
Giacino JT, Schnakers C, Rodriguez-Moreno D, Kalmar K, Schiff N, Hirsch J. Behavioral assessment in patients with disorders of consciousness: gold standard or fool’s gold? Prog Brain Res. 2009; 177:33-48. PMID: 19818893. PubMed
Schnakers C, Majerus S, Giacino J, Vanhaudenhuyse A, Bruno MA, Boly M, Moonen G, Damas P, Lambermont B, Lamy M, Damas F, Ventura M, Laureys S. A French validation study of the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R). Brain Inj. 2008 Sep; 22(10):786-92. PMID: 18787989. PubMed
Vanhaudenhuyse A, Giacino J, Schnakers C, Kalmar K, Smart C, Bruno MA, Gosseries O, Moonen G, Laureys S. Blink to visual threat does not herald consciousness in the vegetative state. Neurology. 2008 Oct 21; 71(17):1374-5. PMID: 18716237. PubMed
Smart CM, Giacino JT, Cullen T, Moreno DR, Hirsch J, Schiff ND, Gizzi M. A case of locked-in syndrome complicated by central deafness. Nat Clin Pract Neurol. 2008 Aug; 4(8):448-53. PMID: 18506168. PubMed
Kalmar K, Novack TA, Nakase-Richardson R, Sherer M, Frol AB, Gordon WA, Hanks RA, Giacino JT, Ricker JH. Feasibility of a brief neuropsychologic test battery during acute inpatient rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 May; 89(5):942-9. PMID: 18452744. PubMed
Hanks RA, Millis SR, Ricker JH, Giacino JT, Nakese-Richardson R, Frol AB, Novack TA, Kalmar K, Sherer M, Gordon WA. The predictive validity of a brief inpatient neuropsychologic battery for persons with traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 May; 89(5):950-7. PMID: 18452745. PubMed
Giacino JT, Malone R. The vegetative and minimally conscious states. Handb Clin Neurol. 2008; 90:99-111. PMID: 18631819. PubMed
Giacino JT, Smart CM. Recent advances in behavioral assessment of individuals with disorders of consciousness. Curr Opin Neurol. 2007 Dec; 20(6):614-9. PMID: 17992078. PubMed
Fins JJ, Master MG, Gerber LM, Giacino JT. The minimally conscious state: a diagnosis in search of an epidemiology. Arch Neurol. 2007 Oct; 64(10):1400-5. PMID: 17923624. PubMed
Schiff ND, Giacino JT, Kalmar K, Victor JD, Baker K, Gerber M, Fritz B, Eisenberg B, Biondi T, O’Connor J, Kobylarz EJ, Farris S, Machado A, McCagg C, Plum F, Fins JJ, Rezai AR. Behavioural improvements with thalamic stimulation after severe traumatic brain injury. Nature. 2007 Aug 02; 448(7153):600-3. PMID: 17671503. PubMed
Schnakers C, Giacino J, Kalmar K, Piret S, Lopez E, Boly M, Malone R, Laureys S. Does the FOUR score correctly diagnose the vegetative and minimally conscious states? Ann Neurol. 2006 Dec; 60(6):744-5; author reply 745. PMID: 16847951. PubMed
Giacino JT, Hirsch J, Schiff N, Laureys S. Functional neuroimaging applications for assessment and rehabilitation planning in patients with disorders of consciousness. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2006 Dec; 87(12 Suppl 2):S67-76. PMID: 17140882. PubMed
Laureys S, Giacino JT, Schiff ND, Schabus M, Owen AM. How should functional imaging of patients with disorders of consciousness contribute to their clinical rehabilitation needs? Curr Opin Neurol. 2006 Dec; 19(6):520-7. PMID: 17102688; PMCID: PMC2858870. PubMed
Voss HU, Ulug AM, Dyke JP, Watts R, Kobylarz EJ, McCandliss BD, Heier LA, Beattie BJ, Hamacher KA, Vallabhajosula S, Goldsmith SJ, Ballon D, Giacino JT, Schiff ND. Possible axonal regrowth in late recovery from the minimally conscious state. J Clin Invest. 2006 Jul; 116(7):2005-11. PMID: 16823492; PMCID: PMC1483160. PubMed
Cicerone KD, Dahlberg C, Malec JF, Langenbahn DM, Felicetti T, Kneipp S, Ellmo W, Kalmar K, Giacino JT, Harley JP, Laatsch L, Morse PA, Catanese J. Evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation: updated review of the literature from 1998 through 2002. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005 Aug; 86(8):1681-92. PMID: 16084827. PubMed
Giacino JT, Kalmar K. Diagnostic and prognostic guidelines for the vegetative and minimally conscious states. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2005 Jul-Sep; 15(3-4):166-74. PMID: 16350959. PubMed
Kalmar K, Giacino JT. The JFK Coma Recovery Scale–Revised. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2005 Jul-Sep; 15(3-4):454-60. PMID: 16350986. PubMed
Moussouttas M, Giacino J, Papamitsakis N. Amnestic syndrome of the subcallosal artery: a novel infarct syndrome. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2005; 19(6):410-4. PMID: 15925871. PubMed
Whyte J, Katz D, Long D, DiPasquale MC, Polansky M, Kalmar K, Giacino J, Childs N, Mercer W, Novak P, Maurer P, Eifert B. Predictors of outcome in prolonged posttraumatic disorders of consciousness and assessment of medication effects: A multicenter study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005 Mar; 86(3):453-62. PMID: 15759228. PubMed
Schiff ND, Rodriguez-Moreno D, Kamal A, Kim KH, Giacino JT, Plum F, Hirsch J. fMRI reveals large-scale network activation in minimally conscious patients. Neurology. 2005 Feb 08; 64(3):514-23. PMID: 15699384. PubMed
Giacino JT. The minimally conscious state: defining the borders of consciousness. Prog Brain Res. 2005; 150:381-95. PMID: 16186037. PubMed
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Giacino JT, Kalmar K, Whyte J. The JFK Coma Recovery Scale-Revised: measurement characteristics and diagnostic utility. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2004 Dec; 85(12):2020-9. PMID: 15605342. PubMed
Giacino JT, Trott CT. Rehabilitative management of patients with disorders of consciousness: grand rounds. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2004 May-Jun; 19(3):254-65. PMID: 15247847. PubMed
Giacino JT. The vegetative and minimally conscious states: consensus-based criteria for establishing diagnosis and prognosis. NeuroRehabilitation. 2004; 19(4):293-8. PMID: 15671583. PubMed
Giacino JT, Whyte J. Amantadine to improve neurorecovery in traumatic brain injury-associated diffuse axonal injury: a pilot double-blind randomized trial. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2003 Jan-Feb; 18(1):4-5; author reply 5-6. PMID: 12809123. PubMed
Schiff ND, Ribary U, Moreno DR, Beattie B, Kronberg E, Blasberg R, Giacino J, McCagg C, Fins JJ, Llinás R, Plum F. Residual cerebral activity and behavioural fragments can remain in the persistently vegetative brain. Brain. 2002 Jun; 125(Pt 6):1210-34. PMID: 12023311. PubMed
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