Meet George
May 28, 2024

Regaining Confidence and Strength After Amputation
Last fall, George Eastman began experiencing pain in his calf and went to the hospital with his wife to get it assessed. The repercussions of that pain were unimaginable and life altering — but Spaulding Cape Cod was there when he needed us.
George did not have any cause for concern prior to his calf pain. He liked to spend his days writing fictional plays, going to the theater, eating out at restaurants, and taking trips to New York City. But when he was put under anesthesia to have his calf examined, the doctors discovered a flesh-eating infection that was spreading at a dangerous rate. They told George’s wife that he had 30 minutes to live, and they needed to amputate above the knee of his right leg. She gave the doctors the go-ahead, and George would wake up in disbelief when he lifted the sheets of his hospital bed and looked down.
Following his amputation, George came to Spaulding Cape Cod, convinced he may never walk again. He would spend two multi-week stints in rehabilitative care, getting used to life with his prosthesis and relearning how to complete day-to-day activities. While the future seemed bleak, George found hope and surprised himself at Spaulding Cape Cod.
“I needed a new normal, and Spaulding gave that to me,” said George. “They gave me the challenges I needed and prepared me to feel safe at home.” These challenges included learning how to tackle stairs with his prosthesis so he could be comfortable visiting his children’s homes. His therapists had George navigating the flight of 24 stairs at Spaulding Cape Cod with a cane — and within an hour, his confidence was back.
His care team’s approach is exactly what Spaulding aims to provide for all our patients — the tools, guidance, and belief that gives people their lives back. Generous donors enable us to invest in compassionate care, specialized equipment, and leading-edge programs to address the most complex patient needs. Support like yours equips our patients with the skilled teams and resources they need for recovery.
When George reflects on his time at Spaulding, it’s the personalized approach to care that has stayed with him. “Spaulding opened up my life and my abilities, and helped me regain my confidence and strength,” he said. George’s care team believed in him, so he could believe in himself.
From our special brand of comprehensive rehabilitation care; to custom therapy programs that help people get back to doing the activities they once enjoyed; to adaptive sports and recreation that improve physical and emotional health and provide connection and community for our patients — all these offerings are supported by your donations.
Today, George can live a more independent life. The physical and occupational therapy he received enables him to safely care for himself at home. He’s returned to what he loves to do, writing, going to the theater or restaurants with his wife and taking trips to see his children. “I tell anyone I know that they must go to Spaulding; never have I encountered more professional, caring people,” said George. With their support — and yours — he continues to make progress toward the goals that he once thought would never be possible.
Your own Spaulding Cape Cod story is unique. And you can make other recovery stories possible with your generous gift today. Thank you for helping our patients and families write their next chapter.
Imagine the Possibilities
At a time when scientific advancements can help make the impossible possible, an investment in rehabilitation medicine has never been more necessary — or more promising.
Your gift to Spaulding can make a real difference... starting now.