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Life Impact Burn Recovery Evaluation Profile (LIBRE)

Attempting to return to everyday life after a burn injury can be difficult, stressful and emotionally challenging. While traditional rehabilitation strategies for burn survivors focus on physical recovery, the Life Impact Burn Recovery Evaluation (LIBRE) Project focuses on the impact burn injuries have on patients’ social life.

Resources for Burn Survivors

If you are looking for resources for a burn survivor, you are encouraged to consider the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors.

Target Population

Adults 18 years of age or older with burn injury ≥ 5% total body surface area or to critical area(s) (e.g., hands, feet, face, genitals).

Studies are underway to develop a questionnaire to assess the impact of burn injury on child health in preschool and school-aged children. Actively enrolling; learn more here.

Administration Instructions

Download the LIBRE profile >

The LIBRE profile measures different aspects of an individual's ability to engage in everyday social situations across six social participation domains identified as important to people with burn injury. Each of the domains can be administered individually or in combination. Each domain uses a unique scoring metric; therefore, standardized scores from different domains are not comparable.

The burn survivor reads and answers the items independently. Responses can be recorded using paper and pencil, and entered into a data collection platform. Alternatively, an on-line survey administration tool can be created to enter LIBRE Profile Short Form (SF) responses directly into a database, or SFs can be administered using REDCap.

Item responses are then summed to obtain raw scores for each domain, which can then be converted to a standardized score using a score transformation table.

Profile Domains

  • Relationships with Family & Friends

    Items ask how the burn injury may impact family relationships and socializing with the family. Perceptions include how a burn survivor’s appearance may affect the individuals’ ability to interact with family members. Included are both the comfort level and activities one participates in with family and friends, in addition to level of family support.

    Number of Items: 24

  • Social Interaction

    Items ask about the ability of burn survivors to interact with people and situations that are familiar; commonly reported problems for burn survivors are difficulty and anxiety in social situations.

    Number of Items: 25

  • Social Activities

    Items ask about the burn survivors’ perceptions of accomplishing daily activities and their ability to participate with others in these activities. These activities range from involvement in organized social events in the community (such as sporting events), informal gatherings with friends and associates, to parties with peers from work or other friends.

    Number of Items: 15

  • Work & Employment

    Items ask about relationship with coworkers, satisfaction with one’s work and the relationship with one’s peers on the job. In addition, the domain includes content related to the performance of work, work responsibilities, energy on the job and work absences due to health problems related to the burn injury.

    Number of Items: 19

  • Romantic Relationships

    Items ask about communication, the sharing of problems with a romantic partner, emotional closeness and comfort talking about problems, and enjoyment of the partner. The scale also identifies the conduct of social activities that can be both intimate and emotional.

    Number of Items: 28

  • Sexual Relationships

    Items are specific to sexual functioning and the physical act of sex and how that might impact a relationship for the burn survivor.

    Number of Items: 15


In alphabetical order:

International Translations of the LIBRE Profile

The International Consortium for translations of the LIBRE Profile is working toward making the LIBRE Profile available in countries around the world. Learn more >


Adult LIBRE Publications

The LIBRE Profile was developed in collaboration with Boston University School of Public Health, the Boston-Harvard Burn Injury Model System, Mass General Brigham and the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors, with funding by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research, Award Number 90DP0055. The LIBRE Profile uses the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as a conceptual framework. The LIBRE Profile was developed specifically to measure social participation in persons with a burn injury.