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Patient Bill of Rights

Patient Bill of Rights - English

We, at Spaulding Rehabilitation, emphasize the importance of respecting patient rights, and therefore provide the summary listed below.

You have a right:

  • to be involved in all aspects of your care and treatment.
  • to informed consent to the extent provided by law.
  • to expect that your pain and symptoms will be assessed and treated with the goal of minimizing your experience of pain and discomfort, to the extent clinically possible.
  • to equitable, considerate, respectful care that includes consideration of your psychosocial, spiritual, cultural and personal values and beliefs.
  • to know the identity and specialty of individuals involved in your care.
  • to refuse to be observed, examined, or treated by students or by any other staff without jeopardizing your access to medical care.
  • to prompt response to all reasonable requests.
  • to receive prompt, life-saving treatment without delay and to receive the most appropriate medical treatment and care available without regard to your economic status or the source of payment.
  • to confidentiality of all records and communications concerning your medical history and treatment to the extent provided by law.
  • to participate or have your designated representative participate in the consideration of ethical issues that may arise in your care.
  • to receive competent interpreter services when seeking care at Spaulding.
  • to report safety concerns.
  • to obtain a copy of any rules and regulations of SRH, which apply to your conduct as a patient, such as the No Smoking Policy.
  • request and receive an itemized explanation of your bill.
  • upon request to inspect your medical record and, for a reasonable fee, to receive a copy.
  • to be allowed a family member, friend or other individual to be present with you for support during your stay, unless the individual's presence infringes on others' rights, safety or is medically or therapeutically contraindicated.
  • to receive visitors, including but not limited to a spouse, domestic partner (including same-sex domestic partner), family member or friend, and your right to withdraw or deny such visitation at any time.
  • to not be restricted, limited or denied visitation on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability.

Contact Us

To communicate concerns, complaints or suggestions regarding patient safety and quality of care.