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Pain and Functional Restoration Program at Spaulding in Medford

Chronic pain can affect anyone, at any age and in all walks of life. Pain impacts every aspect of one’s being. If you are like many of our patients, you might feel like you have tried it all; medications, procedures, therapy, etc. Fortunately, there are many non-medication solutions that can help!

For over 30 years, we have helped thousands of people manage their pain and resume active lives. Our team of pain management specialists address your pain from all angles; physical, functional, neurological, environmental, social, and emotional. We utilize evidenced-based, neuroscience principles to help “retrain your brain” to control your pain, enhance your function, and get back to enjoying life!

Our Team Approach to Pain Management

What is interdisciplinary treatment?

Research shows that interdisciplinary treatment provides the best long-term outcomes for function, increased satisfaction with life, and successful pain management. This gold standard approach is delivered by a coordinated team of specialists in one facility addressing the numerous issues that result from years of pain.

Physical Therapy

Our physical therapists teach you to exercise comfortably rather than push through the pain. Based on your individual needs, treatments can include:

  • Stretching, strengthening, and core exercises
  • Aerobic conditioning
  • Strategies to increase body awareness and improve posture and movement patterns
  • Graded exercise to increase your ability to sit, stand, walk, and lift
  • Education in pain control tools and self-massage

Ready for an appointment?

Ask your doctor to refer you the program: Chronic Pain & Functional Restoration Program Referral Process or call (781) 391-7518 for more information.