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Donor Honor Roll

Thank You, Spaulding Supporters!

We are deeply grateful for the generosity of all our donors. Your philanthropic gifts ensure that we can provide first-class care and world-class research today and in the future.

On behalf of all those impacted by your generosity — our patients and their families, our care teams of physicians, nurses, and therapists, our research scientists and the people helped by their discoveries — we extend our most sincere appreciation. 

Support Spaulding with a Gift Today

Meet Our 2023 Honor Roll of Donors

In our 2023 Donor Honor Roll, we gratefully acknowledge gifts and pledges received to support Spaulding Rehabilitation made from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023.

Pledges are recognized in the full amount in the fiscal year they are made. Subsequent pledge payments are recognized at the level of payment made in that fiscal year.



William T. Bonomi Trust

Estate of Saul Kurlat

Jack Satter Foundation


The Jennifer K. Bemis Family

Ellen R. Gordon/Cele H. & William B. Rubin Family Fund

Karen B. Maloney & Robert J. Carpenter

Linda J. Sallop

Linda J. Sallop, Mitchel I. Weisman/Atlantic Charter

Scott D. Sandell

Paula Ness Speers & Mark S. Speers


Gloria J. & John M. Christner

Michele & Howard J. Kessler

The Manton Foundation

Neurive Co., Ltd.



Cummings Foundation

Janice A. & Ralph M. James/Robert and Ardis James Foundation

Melissa A. & David W. McGraw/The Donald C. McGraw Foundation, Inc.

Ann Merrifield & Wayne Davis

Arlene P. & Gary C. Miller

Henry Newman Revocable Trust

Margaret Shepherd & David J. Friend

Diana D. Spencer/Diana Davis Spencer Foundation

Beth Anne Willett

Linda & William* Zammer, Jr./The William and Linda Zammer Charitable Foundation



Jane C. Barber & Linda L. Rohler

Anne B. & George N. Gingold

Julie Riven Jaye & Barry M. Jaye, DMD

Theresa A. Kennedy

Gail S. Levy

Samuel A. Lorusso/Lyndon Paul Lorusso Charitable Foundation of 2002

Carol M. O’Connor-Fischer & David B. Fischer

Susan Calhoun Pund Park Trust

The Peabody Foundation, Inc.

Louise C. Riemer

Svetlana & Eric Silverman

Summers-New Family Advised Fund

The University of Newcastle Australia



Anonymous (2)

Nancy W. Adams & Scott A. Schoen

Kathleen Buck & Karl D. Riemer*

Burke Distributing Corporation

Dunkin’ Joy in Childhood Foundation

Brendan Garvey

Haley & Aldrich

Mrs. Francis W. Hatch*

The Janey Fund

The Saul & Gitta Kurlat Charitable Foundation

Andrea G. Levitt & Tony G. Hatoun

Penelope & John Maynard

Parris Construction Management

Louise C. Riemer, Karl D. Riemer*/Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation

Ann M. & James J. Roosevelt, Jr./Roosevelt Warm Springs Foundation

Travis Roy Foundation

Janet & James M. Scott, Jr.

Robert E. Sweeney/Boston Bruins Foundation

TG Gallagher

The TJX Foundation, Inc.

Donna L. Zerwitz


Anonymous (2)

A.A. Will Corporation

Larry Abramson

Samuel & Nancy Jo Altschuler Family Foundation

Matthew D. Bergin

Anne B. & Roger L. Berman

The Boston Beer Company

Boston Evening Clinic Foundation, Inc.

Boston Exterior Contracting

Catherine M. & Alexander A. Bove/George and Alice Rich Charitable Foundation

Maura E. Callahan & Douglas Louison, Esq.

Wilson Caruso Charitable Foundation

Century Linen East, LLC

Meredith P.* & Eugene H. Clapp III

Constellation Brands

Digital Federal Credit Union

disAbled Life Alliance

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation

Eastern Salt Company, Inc.

Eastham Capital

The Ergonomic Group

Anne J. Fitzgerald

Nicki Nichols Gamble

Laurel A. Gormley

Grinnell Mechanical

Beverly & Dexter Handy

Charlotte S. & C. Michael Hazard

Carol & James S. Herscot

Cameron Hopkins

Horizon Foundation

Margaret & Robert Huskins/Georgia Hume Evans Memorial Inc.

Elizabeth B. Johnson

Susan B. Kaplan

Rachel & Louis Karger

Deirdre W. Karle

Linda S. Kennedy-Dalby

Carolyn F. Kiess

Andrea C. & Robert Martin

McCall & Almy, Inc.

McCusker-Gill, Inc.

John McMahon

McQuade Family Foundation

Mike’s Hard Lemonade Co.

Madelyn N. & Henry D. Morris

Craig H. Neilsen Foundation

Noble Supply and Logistics

Karen H. O’Sullivan

Connie Q. & Arthur B. Page

Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) Research Foundation

Jessica E. & Adam W. Reinmann

Anne W. & Joseph F. Ryan

Marjorie G. & Greaner N. Ryland

Karen M. & Jeffrey D. Sheehy

Michael T. Sherman Foundation

Nicole B. Silverman

Ellen & Kenneth Z. Slater/The Slater Foundation

Candace Lapidus-Sloane & Barry R. Sloane/ Candace L. and Barry R. Sloane Foundation

Sodexo USA


State Street Foundation

The Storto-Mogil Family

Hope & Adam Suttin

Marilyn Swartz-Lloyd

Molly Tansey

Ruth & Felix Twaalfhoven/Innovent Technologies

Dora & Arthur Ullian

Vizient, Inc.

Walsh Brothers, Inc.

Carl J. Woolf/Isa Maria & David Shoolman Family Foundation

Terri L. Yahia & Willis G. Wang

Gwill E. York & Paul A. Maeder


Anonymous (6)


Ardmore Institute of Health

Deborah E. Babson/The Paul & Edith Babson Foundation

Lillian T. & Joseph L. Barry, Jr./Barry Crystal Funding

B&B Trading Co.

Boston Firefighters Burn Foundation

The Boston Foundation, Inc.

Circle Floors, Inc.

Betsy & Ralph Cox, Jr.

Doris E. & Robert P. David

Barbara K. & Richard A. Debs

Nicholas Debs


Edward T. Donohue

Shayna Dooley

Catherine Dorigatti

Sue Dunphy

Heidi & David Estrada

Christopher T. Fiumara

Elizabeth-Ann Foley

Teresa Forenza

Lee R. Forker, Jr.

Ellen Frechette

General Reinsurance Corporation

Barry Gens/The Charles Robert Gens Foundation

Ellen R. & Kenneth A. Glusman

Michelle A. & Robert W. Goodnow

Green Development, LLC

Nadine E. Grella

Susan M. Halby

Hanson Charitable Foundation

HDR, Inc.

Elizabeth P. Heald Family

Henry Higdon

Independent Order of Odd Fellows - Bethesda Lodge #30

Joan V. & Timothy A. Ingraham

Lawanna Kimbro, Esq.

KLM Companies

Nancy & Richard Lubin, Kate Lubin & Glen Sutton, Emily & Greg Woods/Richard K. Lubin Family Foundation

Rita* & Stanley J. Lukowski

Christopher MacLean

Katelyn D. & James W. Manning

Josephine M. and Rita C. Mastracci Charitable Foundation

Catharine & Thomas McGauley

Sandra L. & Donald F. McGoldrick

Alan McKim

Lisa J. & Kenneth McKim

Karen Gordon Mills & Barry Mills

Shawna & Craig A. Minassian

Move United, Inc.

New England Asset Management

Elizabeth & Dan Oneglia

Julie & Richard A. Penn

Hunter Philbrick

Matthew Picard-Fraser

Ralco Electric & Generator

Shirley M. & Charles D. Rogers

Larry S. Rosen Memorial Foundation

Sharman M. Rosen

Justin Schall

Anne B. & John R. Scotland

Nancy & Anthony J. Selvaggi

Martha G. & Fred B. Smith

Sullivan & McLaughlin Companies, Inc.

Patricia J. Tansey

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Michael Weber

Estate of Catherine Webster

Elizabeth M. & James R. Westra


Anonymous (29)

Abrams Capital Management, LLC

Christine M. Adams

Harold Alfond Foundation

Lucille Algere & Wendell J. Knox

John Anselmi

Apple, Inc.

Atlantic Capital Partners

Audrey’s of Naples

Automatic Data Processing (ADP)

Bain Capital Community Partnership

Maureen Banks, DNP

Hope & Mel A. Barkan

Ann M. & Thomas J. Barry

Patrick Bavis

K&F Baxter Family Foundation

Beacon Gardens

Deirdre Beck

Amelia S. & Keith W. Beers

Clare Bensh

Susan Duke Biederman & Daniel A. Biederman

Judy M. & Henry Forbes Bigelow II

Brittany L. Boisclair

Sheila M Botelho

Adrienne W. Bradley, M.D. & Francis M. Bradley, M.D.

Virginia J. Brady

Breckinridge Capital Advisors, Inc.

Dara & Robert Brenner

Judith & David M. Brezniak

Cara T. Brickley

Julia R. & Edgar Bristol

Virginia N. Bristol

Geraldine R. & Daniel E. Britton

Broco Energy

Maura & Jeffrey J. Brodeur

Eleanor A. Brox

Donna Bulger

Scott Bulger

Tim R. Bunting

Erica Lopes Cabral & Jason T. Cabral

Laurie E. & John E. Cadigan II

George Cahill

Norma C. & Loreto A. Calimlim

Cambridge Savings Bank

Charles B. Camp

Shane Campbell

Ann W. Carlton

Sandra Carmichael

Timothy P. Cashman

Kevin Cassidy


Katherine Chandler

Pamela Chang & Clifford F. Ransom II

Chevron Corporation Humankind Program

Logan Clarke III

Maura & John S. Cleary

Ann M. & Roger W. Cogswell

Mrs. I. W. Colburn/Colburn Foundation

Karen & Mark R. Conley, CPA

Nicole A. & Thomas R. Conlon

Ames & Timothy J. Connelly

Jacqueline Salamanca Contreras

Matthew Conway

Ann & Thomas Cook

Jeanne L. Cooper

Brendan Cotter

Katherine B. & Kenneth G. Cranson

Maureen Cranson

Jessica Crooker

Allison Cuomo & Tim Rafferty

Gerald Curtin

Marilyn & André Danesh

Shamim & Raphael DeLima

Melissa R. & James R. Demarsh

John Deutch

Al Diamond

Elizabeth J. DiBenedetto

Amy E. Domingo

Mary A. & Bruce Donald

Donoghue, Barrett & Singal, PC

Kim & Richard H. Donohue

Kelsey T. Dorr

Kara Dowd

Lee Drinane

Joan P. & Richard Drury

Michael P. Duffy

Jessica & Steven Duncan

Ellen M. Dunn

Rebecca Watt Epstein & Bruce A. Epstein

Esco Technologies Foundation

Emily M. Eustace

Kristen & Tom Ewers

Annie Falk

Brenda M. & Mark Farley

Dolores M. Filardi

Margot G. Finley

Howard Fisher

Jeanne Donovan Fisher

Anne C. & Paul F. Fitzgerald

Robert Franz

Elizabeth O. Frem

Martha M. Frigoletto

Joanne M. Fucile

Anthony P. Fusco

Paula & Tommy Gallant

Jay Garrett

Linda L. & James M. Garvey

Nanci Gelb & Wayne Spiegel

Danielle C. Gendron

Greg Genovese

Frank Gerrity Charitable Trust

John P. Giuggio, Jr./The John & Barbara Giuggio Foundation

Catherine E. Reuben & Scott L. Glanzman

Vida F. & Arthur L. Goldstein

Andrea G. Gordon

Anthony Greco

Gabriela L. Greenman

Ariel Gutierrez

Wendy A. Gutterson & David M. Crandell, M.D.

GW&K Investment Management

Janice M. & David W. Haley

The Hamermesh Family

Susan E. & Gregory P. Hamilton

Nettie R. Hammond

Samuel Hamner

Ed Hanlon

John Hanlon

Thomas F. Harrington, Jr.

David Hart

Lucile W. Hays

Janet L. Hennessy

Paula M. Hereau

Betty Y. & John M. Herr

Sarah & Matt Hoogerland

Maryann J. Hurley

Courtney & William H. Hyder

IAM Orthotics & Prosthetics, Inc.

The International Research Journal & Conference (TIRJC)

Thomas C. Israel/A.C. Israel Foundation, Inc.

Juniper Networks

Honora Kaplan, Esq.* & William D. Terry

John Kaplan

Maschia A. & M. Stephen Kaplan

Deanna Kaschuluk

Julie T. Katzman

Peter Kaufman

Sarah B. Kaull & Thomas E. Shirley

Linda Sloane Kay & Jonathan Kay

Daniel L. Keegan

Devonia & Joseph P. Keller

Jasvinder Khaira

Walter and Olivia Kiebach Foundation

Christine S. & Richard E. Koch

Myra G. Kolton

Samantha & Matthew G. Kramer

Monika Kratzmann

Judith M. & Thomas P. Lane

Thomas Larsen*

John Lastella

Joyce & Edward P. Lawrence, Esq.

Jamie Lee

Joshua Leight

Lindy E. Lek & Dawson S. Lin

Daniel Levinson

Kelly A. & Joseph Lombardo

Amanda & Thomas Lough

Mary F. Lovejoy & John C. Whistler

Priscilla & Ralph Lowell III

Virginia & Christopher Luck

Yvette Mabe

MacArthur Foundation

Jeanne & Stephen MacNevin

Michelle Madden

Felicia Marsocci

Virginia M. & Thomas F. McCabe, Jr.

Nadine & Robert McCall

Constance M. & John E. McLaughlin, Sr.

Meadowbrook Orchards

Hayley Meadvin

Daniel T. Meninger

Merry Oysters

MFS Investment Management

Elizabeth C. Micheels & David W. Tobias/The Tow Foundation, Inc.

Lynn P. & James C.* Miczek

William T. Miller

Timothy W. Miner

Maureen Mitchell

Moira E. & Steven M. Mitus

Glenn Mohan

Sandra & Paul Montrone

Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management - Coren-Edelman Group

Julia B. Murray

Albert F. Nagel

N&D Group

Philip C. Norton

Ellen & Paul E. Nylen

John O’Brien

Alice L. & Thomas H. Openshaw

Ashley & Robb A. Parris III

Robert A. Parris, Jr.

Mindy Pasco-Anderson & Keith Anderson

Steven A. Patrick & A. William Hughes

Betty L. & Frederick L. Pease

Nelson Peltz


Christopher Peris

Barbara D. Petery

Denise & Kevin Petitti

Donald Platner

Philip Pucciarelli

Cynthia L. Quense & Timothy E. Hughes

Lafayette and Etienette A. Quirin Foundation, Inc.

Karen & Robert K. Raeburn

James Rainey

Valerie Rainey

Danielle & Ali S. Raja, MD

Reny Family Fund

Rice, Heard & Bigelow, Inc.

Louise C. Riemer II

Thomas A. Risser

Deborah J. Rivers

Robbins Nest Foundation

Lucy M. & Peter W. Robbins

Markham Rollins

Leila Joy Rosenthal

RSM Boston Foundation


Amanda J. Savage

Elizabeth & William F. Scannell

Carol R. Scheman & David Korn, MD

Patricia C. & Wendell O. Scott, MD

John Selent

Sanchia & Peter R. Semere

Joseph Senna

Eileen Shapiro & Reuben Eaves/Albert Shapiro Fund, Inc.

Heidi E. & Thomas A. Shealy III

Cindy White Shuffain & Craig D. Shuffain


Justin Smith

Robin S. Smith

Phil Snyder

Thomas Soviero

Joyce A. & Josiah A. Spaulding, Jr.

Marilyn P. & Martin L.* Spivack

Jessica R. Stebbins & David Collins

Sheldon Stone

Susan S. Stone

Aleece & Brian Strachan

Thomas Suglia

Frances T. & Lawrence P. Sullivan

Lindsay Sutton

Margarita Sweet

Michael Tabeek

Arya Tafvizi

Michael J. Tansey

Jeffrey Tarr

Louis A. Tate

Kathryn & Alexander Tedeschi

Joan I. Thorndike

Prudence & Michael O. Thorner

Allen Thorpe

Martha & Michael Thurk

Wendy & Mark Thurmond

Ellen R. & Gary E. Tratt

Gail Triggs

Cherie L. Trinanes

John Tucker

Lisa M. & Richard L.* Tucker

Susan C. Rock Tully & Joseph Tully

Quenby Tyler

Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Charities

Dan Varney

Nancy & Mark Varney

Samantha Ventimiglia

Ruth & Gary Veurink

The Village Bank

Lynne C. Brady Wagner & Andrew J. Wagner, MD

W.A. O’Leary Company

Jill A. Ward

Webster Bank

Paula & Mitchel I. Weisman

Sallyann Wekstein

Mali D. & Eric R. Wenkus

Kathryn E. West & William Brien

Annmarie White

Christina D. & Michael S. White

Kathleen M. Redmond & John J. Wild, Jr.

Regina Wing & John Joyce

Thomas G. Wood

Linda M. & John V. Woodard, Esq.

Susan B. & Carl J. Woolf

Justin Xu

Linda & Chris Yates

Cheryl A. & Ross D. Zafonte, DO

Christine S. Zuromskis

Gift-in-Kind Donations

2 Jerks BBQ

Ben & Jerry’s Boston

Blue Chip IT Services

Chic Party Carts

Joseph R. Claffy

Marguerite S. Donohue

Michael W. Fogelberg


High Street Place

Loco Coffee

Motion Composites

Talbot Electrical, Inc.

Tyger Productions

Elizabeth G. Waldinger

A note to our supporters: Our Spaulding Development Office makes every effort to ensure that our contributors are recognized accurately for contributions they have made to support our hospitals and programs. Errors can sometimes occur despite our best efforts. If you would like to edit your listing please contact Evelyn Linares, Senior Director for Development Operations, at or (617) 952-6869.

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An investment in rehabilitation medicine has never been more necessary — or more promising.

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Spaulding Rehabilitation is composed of Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Boston, Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care Cambridge, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Cod, Spaulding Nursing and Therapy Center Brighton, and our affiliated outpatient centers.