Meet Tammy
November 6, 2024

Getting Mom Back After a Motorcycle Accident
A compassionate, dedicated care team can change the path of your rehabilitation journey — and impact your entire life.
In September 2023, Tammy was in a severe motorcycle accident near her home in New Hampshire. She sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and required an amputation of her left leg. The mother of three needed long term acute care and rehabilitation, so her adult daughters turned to Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care Cambridge for Tammy’s recovery.
“We were nervous because she had never been away from us,” says Tammy’s daughter Gabby. “But the Spaulding staff was so communicative. They called us with updates when we couldn’t be there. They treated us like family.”
Tammy’s recovery was complex. Her TBI affected her behavior, requiring intensive interventions with the nursing staff. Tammy connected with her nurse, Sam, who helped Tammy become more independent and eventually ready to discharge home. “Sam was my best friend. She kept me in line,” says Tammy with a laugh. “She made sure I did what I was supposed to do, got me to eat, helped my family learn how to care for me.”
Donations help Spaulding invest in the incredible staff and clinicians, like Sam, who make our care so special. From creating recognition programs, to funding continuing education classes, to purchasing upgraded therapy equipment, your gifts help our Spaulding clinicians get the support they need to provide the best patient care.
Tammy was so moved by Sam’s care that she nominated the nurse for an award. Sam received the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. “Tammy is a patient I will never forget,” says Sam. “She helped shape my nursing practice and taught me to always do my best to meet our patients ‘where they are.’ I appreciate her nominating me for this award — it is an important part of my nursing career.”
It was the personalized care and thoughtfulness that set Tammy’s clinical team apart. “They found personal connections to motivate her to work,” says Tammy’s daughter Jocelyn. “They customized her therapy sessions to her interests. They brought a lot of love and light to their care.”
Tammy’s clinicians supported not only their patient, but also her family members, during the hardest time in their lives. With compassion, skill, and personalized care, our team got Tammy home. “From where she was, her turn-around was amazing,” says Gabby. “We have our mom back.”
Imagine the Possibilities
At a time when scientific advancements can help make the impossible possible, an investment in rehabilitation medicine has never been more necessary — or more promising.
Your gift to Spaulding can make a real difference... starting now.